Our Mission
We strive to offer a way out of a life of sexual exploitation offering emotional, practical and spiritual support in order to see women and men liberated from the chains of poverty and exploitation, empowered to transform their lives.
Our Goal
We want to see women and men freed from the trap of prostitution their lives fully transformed. It isn’t as simple as finding them a new job. There is a reason they ended up where they are, and getting to the route of that so it can be healed is crucial. Before someone is willing to open up their heart, they first need to trust, feel loved, known, accepted and unjudged. The following are the ways we seek to know them, to show them unconditional love and to invite them into a journey of healing.
Check out their website at hopeministries.ca
OUR MISSION– Impact Nations partners with leaders in the developing world to rescue lives and transform communities by engaging people in practical and supernatural expressions of the Kingdom of God.
Our driving passion is to rescue lives and to see communities transformed by the power of the all-encompassing gospel of the Kingdom of God. Because God’s heart is with the poor, the widow, the orphan and the outcast, Impact Nations goes to the most vulnerable in the developing world with a message of hope, practical and supernatural expressions of God’s compassion and power, and a commitment to come alongside- working together for lasting change.
Check out their website at impactnations.com

Peter and Yesenia Tigchelaar serve as missionaries in Nicaragua with Child Evangelism Fellowship. One of their initiatives is feeding centres for children, and to financially support that, Peter’s parents, John and Claire began roasting and selling Nicaraguan coffee at market and on their apple farm.
Occasionally we run group orders of their delicious coffee at the Cambridge Vineyard. Keep an eye out for these announcements. All proceeds go to support feeding centres in Nicaragua.
Send support to [email protected] If tax receipt needed, donate through CEF: Gwen Foord – National Director, Child Evangelism Fellowship of Canada 204 – 943-2774 | 204 981-1944 | [email protected] www.cefcanada.org
Check out the “CEF Nicaragua” Facebook Page Check out Peter’s Blog: CLICK HERE