Doing Life…Together
Whether you join a HomeChurch or a Focus Group, doing life together is about is about growing as a follower of Jesus…with you.
Our Homechurches are made up of committed groups of people exploring faith and life together. To join a HomeChurch in your area, or find the perfect fit for you, contact the groups facilitator by clicking the button below.
Urban Hope
Bible Study
Scotty HomeChurch
With Scott Roe (Preston) 7pm
Epic HomeChurch
With Jason & Judy Baskerville (Galt) 7pm
Urban Hope Ministry Group
Prayer & Worship
Children & Youth Ministry
Prayer Group
Maurer HomeChurch
With Stewart & Ildiko Maurer (South, Galt) 7pm
Focus Groups
Our FocusGroups are people who meet for a specific purpose over a set period of time. If you have any questions, click the button below to contact the group facilitator
Thursdays 7pm
A 10-session focus group starting March 28. Bi-Weekly on Thursdays from 7-9pm If you are looking for that certain small group that connects you with others, then Community Connections is for you! At the end of it, you may find it births into a Home Church!
Every Other Monday
Come and celebrate what God is accomplishing in and through the lives of women. This group is open to all women, you are welcome to bring a friend. if you need more info email
Urban Hope Book Study
Multiply is designed as a simple study that is designed to give you the confidence you need to step out in faith and disciple the people whom God has placed in your life. For info on upcoming and existing groups CLICK IMAGE ABOVE
Monthly on Saturdays
Do you love Jesus and obstacle courses, in that order? Challenge yourself, get muddy! Join the "The Vineyard Dirty Dogs"
3rd Tuesday of every month
We are reaching out into our community. We do a chocolate bar giveaway, meet some of our neighbours, and pray for our city. Meet up place is the Hespeler Cenotaph downtown at 7pm. This is a Rain or Shine event.
Everyone is welcome!
2nd Monday of every month
We are coming together to pray for our city! In preparation for our outreach programs, we join together to pray for our city, our neighbours, and for God's favour to be able to impact the lives of those around us. Meet up is The Hespeler Cenotaph at 1pm. Everyone is welcome!