Senior Leadership Team (SLT):

Our governance structure

Chair: Phil Snell
Secretary/Treasurer:  Kim Maxwell
Directors:  Rob Horvath, Laura Kilborn, Jen Snell, Jeff Fellman, Patrick Kilborn, Felix Ajewole, Margaret Ellen Horrocks
Non-Voting Members:  Scott Roe, Tabitha Fellman, Christine Lakatos, Kylie Portaccio

To contact our Senior Leadership Team, email

Transition Team:

Our church family has entered a season of change as we approach the retirement of Scott Roe, our lead pastor.  For this purpose, a transition team has been created.

Chair:  Jason Baskerville
Secretary:  Denielle Tanninen
Members:  Rebecca Ajewole, Jen Snell, Arielle McLean

Questions can be directed to the team at:

Scott & April Roe

Scott Roe grew up in the town of Stoney Creek, Ontario along with five other siblings. His family attended the Stoney Creek Alliance Church, and it was in the youth group where he met April, and five years later they were married. Following his graduation from high school, Scott was hired by the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force as a police cadet. At age twenty-one he was made constable. While he loved policing, he was no fan of the commute nor living in the big city and so he made the switch to the Ontario Provincial Police and for the next twenty years he served in three locations with the last one being in Cambridge. It was in 1990 that he began sensing a call into pastoral ministry, specifically, "Will you come and love my church with me?" Scott enrolled in a theology program at Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener doing distance education. Around the summer of '94 Scott and April heard about the 'wild things' happening at this Vineyard church near the airport in Toronto. Intrigued, they attended a renewal service. It was there that Scott and April encountered the Holy Spirit in such a powerful way.

Over the next few months, they explored the Vineyards in Toronto and Cambridge and made the decision that this was ‘home’ for them. An application to transfer to the Cambridge detachment was submitted and 18 months later, the Roe’s and their three children made the move to Cambridge and settled into the Vineyard church. In a short period of time, Scott found himself juggling raising a family, working fulltime, pursuing a degree and leading a kinship with April.

In December of 2001 Scott and April were invited to join the Cambridge Vineyard as Assistant pastors. After much prayer, Scott resigned from policing and began a new chapter with the Cambridge Vineyard. In spring of ’04 Scott was invited to step into the Lead Pastor role, and as they say…the rest is history.

To maintain his equilibrium, Scott dabbles in an eclectic variety of hobbies and interests from a little bit of guitar playing, woodworking, a lover of classical music, baking, obstacle course racing, daily workouts combined with long trail running, mountain biking, with a little bit of punk music to keep him going.

After returning from a sabbatical this past summer, Scott and April are preparing for retirement in 2024. Their desire as they work alongside their senior leadership team is that God would raise up the right person(s) to lead the Cambridge Vineyard into the next season, and for the transition to be seamless.

Staff Members

Scott Roe

Lead Pastor

Kylie Portaccio

The Oaks Supervisor

Stewart Maurer


Tab Fellman

Associate Pastor

Kim Maxwell


Christine Lakatos

Associate Pastor & Outreach/Director

Alyne Gagne

Communications/Media Manager