Come as you are! We approach God and each other in a truthful and straightforward manner.  Intimacy necessitates that we are vulnerable, honest and open as a people, accepting and loving those who enter our midst. 

God accepts us as we are; there are no generational, cultural, educational or stylistic prerequisites.  We encourage people not to try to attain to some level of self-purity or religiosity before they come to God, but to come to Him as they are. Our dress, music and demeanor is informal, as we want all people to feel like they can be a part of our church without fashion or protocol being an issue.



147 Elgin St. N, Cambridge, ON

Phone: (519)740-8463

Email: [email protected]




Sundays 10 am We have a rotation of worship bands, all with their own unique style. Come, experience this time with us as we worship together, with our voices, hearts and whole bodies at times. (dancing is welcome)


Engaging time of teaching
Each Sunday our engaging speakers address how life as we know it is being transformed by the teachings and life of Jesus. We seek to encounter God and actively live out HIS story.


Sundays following service
Our gatherings always close with an opportunity to receive prayer. Inviting someone to pray for you is a powerful way of experiencing God at work
in your life. [email protected]


Our Children…HIS Kids: We believe that our kids have the same sized God as the grown ups do. They prove it to us all the time. At the Vineyard, kids play a huge part of who we are and how we worship. We teach them yes, but they teach us adults a whole lot too. After all, Jesus did tell us all to be like little children.

We are about partnering with parents to lay a spiritual foundation that leads our kids into a life-long relationship with Jesus. We have programs for ages from 9 month old up to our grade 12 youth.



Here at The Cambridge Vineyard Christian Fellowship we value community. We are a family that wants to do life together. Our HomeChurches and FocusGroups are great places to experience connection, community and growth. Search for a Life Group.



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