Doing the Stuff…Together
LOVE IN ACTION. Loving our Neighbours. It’s amazing the way love transforms a person. We believe love can transform a neighbourhood too.
Pray, Play & Partake: We are launching a games night at Urban Hope on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Starting with dinner. Our focus here is having fun & building community. Bring your favorite board or card game, join us for some fun and make some new friends.
For more information, email [email protected]

Sandwich Mondays
Mondays at 5:25-6:30. Handing out sandwhiches on King Street in Preston. To get involved CLICK HERE

This is a free Easter event that we host annually for the whole community. This event includes lots of games, activities, refreshments and is fun for the whole family .

Breakfast Club
Our partnership with Alison Neighbourhood Community Center. Before school care. This program is for kids JK-Gr.8. Starting at 7:30 each morning, kids are served a healthy breakfast and then walked to school or to the bus by a staff member or volunteer. You can volunteer your time or donate food items. To find out more, email [email protected]
The Oaks Early Learning Childcare is a licensed childcare that desires to provide a program that reflects the heart of Christ. Designed to nurture the whole child’s level of development: physically, cognitively, socially, emotionally and spiritually. The oaks is committed to providing an inclusive program that will allow children of all abilities to participate in the childcare setting. For more details, visit their website at

Light Up The Night
On October 31, we take a traditionally dark night and bring some light into the community. We have game booths (carnival style) & lots of treats. It is a great time to connect with our community and let them know that we care about them. (Volunteer signup gets posted in October) We also need candy…lots & lots of candy.

Food Give-A-Way
Occasionally, a group goes into the neighbourhood, directly after our worship service, with donated food boxes and essenials. Everyone is welcome to join in. dates get posted on the e-bulletin. make sure you’re subscribed!
Is a place for fellowship, support and growth with regular support & study groups, an Annual Retreat, & regular Guy’s Breakfast with guest speakers. If you would like to learn more. CLICK HERE to message the Men’s Ministry team.
Offers a warm community and a real feeling of connection through social activities, an Annual Retreat and breakfast gatherings. If you have questions & to know how to get involved, CLICK HERE to message the Women’s Ministry team.
Our youth, teens and young adults have a very active community. On Sundays they have their own youth service covering topics and issues they face as a generation. CLICK HERE to contact the youth team
HisKids (Sunday School) is dedicated to partnering with parents to lead children into a life-long relationship with Jesus. Through family style lessons, they will learn about the Bible and God’s love. CLICK HERE
Our Sunday gatherings always end with an opportunity to receive prayer from our team. If you would like prayer for yourself or your family, simply come up to the front and you will be greeted by a team member. [email protected]
Receive private prayer ministry from a small team of 2-3 experienced members of our ministry team. Prayer model is similar to Sunday morning prayer, but at a deeper, more intentional level. Sessions are by appointment only. Contact Patrick Kilborn for more info CLICK HERE
SOZO is a by-appointment prayer session that is aimed towards bring wholeness through the forgiveness of others and the discovery of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To make an appointment, Email Rebecca Ajewole at [email protected]
Serving hot meals 4 days a week, free clothing store, showers & laundry facilities, recovery support group, hair cuts, prayer and relationship for those in need of hope. Check out the Urban Hope page to explore all that they offer, and how to connect. Always looking for people willing to lend a hand, or spare a little time.