January 12, 2025

In Quietness and Rest

Service Type:

As we step into a new year, Pastor Tabitha Fellman invites us into a journey of reflection, stillness, and rest. We unpack the Cambridge Vineyard’s vision for 2025, centered around intimacy with God, quiet confidence, and a deepening of our faith.

This message unpacks the threads God has been weaving within our community, from His abiding presence to the transformative power of gratitude, holiness, and prayer. Tabitha challenges us to embrace quietness and rest, not as inactivity, but as a place where God can birth something new within us.

Let us all remember that God is not a distant, harsh judge but a loving Father longing to be gracious to us. In our stillness, He meets us. In our rest, He renews us. And as we step into the year ahead, He calls us to be a people of light and water—refreshing the world around us.

Scripture Focus: Isaiah 30:18, Isaiah 45:8
Challenge for the Week: Spend time in Isaiah 30-32 and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what He is speaking to you about 2025.