July 7, 2019

When Deep Calls to Deep – UN-Forming God

Passage: Job 42: 1-6
Service Type:

Bible Text: Job 42: 1-6 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: When Deep Calls to Deep | If you’ve ever watched a sculptor or a potter at work, it’s intriguing to see what’s in their mind be transferred to their medium.  This is a very natural, almost automatic process with human beings.  We have an idea in our mind of how something should look or be, and shape it to become that.  It’s amazing…until we try to do that, not only with each other, but especially with God, our Infinite Creator.

Job, along with his three friends needed, in fact, demanded answers to the tragedies that had occurred in Job’s life. But in force-fitting answers to their questions, they ended up creating a god made in their image.  And then the Infinite God of the universe showed up.