September 8, 2024

You are More than Just an “Extra”

Service Type:

You’re more than just an Extra (part 3a)

In this sermon, we continue our series on “The Presence of the Lord,” diving into the story of Jacob and Esau starting in Genesis 25. Explore the deeper meaning behind their birthright and how God’s prophetic word shaped their destinies. The message emphasizes the importance of understanding our own spiritual birthright as children of God and the dangers of relinquishing it in moments of weakness or fear, or to satisfy our own desires without considering the consequences.

Through the lens of humility, obedience, and perseverance, we learn how to resist the temptation to take matters into our own hands and instead trust in God and His promises. This sermon challenges us to recognize that we are more than just “extras” in God’s plan, but rather, that He has called each of us to a significant role in His story.