PLEASE NOTE: Participation in religious services is not required to receive support from Urban Hope.

We provide hot meals, clothing, laundry facilities, showers, haircuts, grocery items, friendship & support with life-skills development to whoever is in need. We currently serve approximately 140-200 poor and homeless from our community.
Is to be able to offer our services daily. We want to empower people to take an active role in the dreams they have for their lives. Our goal is not just to feed the poor, but to see their lives transformed!
- Lunch: Tues 11am -2pm
Dinner: Mon, Thurs & Sat 6 - 8:30
(in partnership with Mission to the Margins) - Dinner & Games Night: Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:30
- Clothing Donations: Can be made anytime in the clothing bin located outside our doors.
- If you have any immediate needs, please email [email protected]
Coldest Night Of The Year
Annual fundraiser
An estimated 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness every year, and hundreds of thousands more face the constant challenge of living right on the edge. That’s who we walk for! People in your community. Neighbours down your street. Kids you see every day. Adults, youths, families, the elderly. Maybe you?
WE WALK FEB 22 2025
Team up, walk, and fundraise! It’s cold out there…but there’s no place like home.
What Drives Us?
What has drawn many of us to become followers of Jesus is the simple fact that He loved us first.
Urban Hope is our expression of God’s love for all people.
We love serving whoever comes through our doors because extending love to others is a chance to extend our love to Jesus.
Food Give Away Outreach
Ainslie Street Bus Terminal
On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, we can be found at the Galt bus terminal, giving away food, cold or hot drinks and prayer. Over the last number of years, we’ve been forging lasting relationships with many people, simply being present and loving. These friendships have led to so many rich shared experiences… births, deaths, baptisms. We are so grateful for our friends down at the Ainslie St. bus terminal.
Come hang out with us and meet our friends.
For more information on the services we provide or to get involved yourself, please speak to our Urban Hope co-ordinators, Christine and George Lakatos. [email protected]
- Volunteer: We can always use extra hands to help prepare meals and for cleanup time
- Join us at meal time to chat, disciple or hear someone's story.
- Donate clothing, toiletries and grocery items.
- Participate in our annual fundraiser, Coldest Night of the Year.
- Pray
Lunch: Tues 11am – 2pm.
Dinner: Mon, Thurs, Sat 6pm – 8:30pm
Dinner & Game Night: Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:30pm
Clothing Donations: Any time can be placed in the bin outside
For other services such as grocery room, showers, clothing room… these are available during our hours of operations. If you have an immediate needs, please email [email protected]