June 14, 2020

Need-to-know For the Journey Ahead

Passage: Luke 9:51
Service Type:

Bible Text: Luke 9:51 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: Laser-Focused Faith | Throughout this pandemic one of the common reminders from leaders and medical experts was why we social distance, wear a mask, and wash our hands.  Their answer? We do it for others. When we lose sight of why we do anything, it’s easy to become complacent and forget.  In the first century a letter was written to Jewish believers, that is entitled, Hebrews.  In the midst of their faith journey, mission-drift was seeping in which was leading to indifference towards their faith and God.  This letter is a reminder to all of us that throughout our faith journey, we will have times when we forget, and where indifference sets in. This letter is a call to a laser-focused journey with Jesus!  This letter is our WHY!

Need-to-Know for the Journey Ahead

As with any good book, there is generally a prelude, which is sort of an introduction to the introduction of the story.  The title of this letter doesn’t even begin to capture what the author was trying to convey. This letter is a vision-driven, mission-gripping, wake up call to those of us following Jesus. You could almost say it is God’s manifesto.  This letter will impassion you like no other letter can!  Dare to join us!