August 11, 2019

Push-Back – With Cyndi Rae

Passage: 1 Peter 5:8
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1 Peter 5:8 | Preacher: Cyndi Rae | Series: When Deep Calls to Deep | We exist in a world at war. In every culture, Satan knows how to present himself in order to exert maximal damage. Western culture does not believe that he exists. Because of this, there is no push back on his unrelenting tactics to destroy humanity. As followers of Jesus, we must cultivate a discerning, defensive posture that suppresses these forces of darkness. If we are going to live from God’s resources, we must do so with clarity and courage. Daily, we must realize those good plans He has for us individually and collectively. In doing so, we will regain an awareness of the immensity of God, as we live tuned into His redemptive purposes in our culture.