February 26, 2017

The More the Merrier – Bringing Missions Home

Passage: John 1:14
Service Type:

Bible Text: John 1:14 | Preacher: Guest: Sam, Scott Roe | Series: The More the Merrier

If you’ve seriously followed Jesus for any length of time, then you will have noticed that he seems to run counter-culture to our way of doing life. As you read the gospels, Jesus never took the ‘easy’ way, but he always took the ‘right’ way. One of the things he did was lived with the very people he wanted to reach. John writes in his gospel, “So the Word became human and made his home among us.” Jesus didn’t commute from heaven, instead, he became a human being and lived with us in our broken and hurting world.

Did you know that there are followers of Jesus who are reaching the poor and marginalized in our cities, not by driving there and ministering to them, but by moving into the very neighbourhoods? Today, we have Sam from Movein ministries to share with us about his foray into these very neighbourhoods of ours. Perhaps God is calling you to join Sam.