October 22, 2023

Come, Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit! In our day, this simple prayer, “Come, Holy Spirit!” has become the heart’s cry of the Vineyard movement since its first utterance over forty-four years ago. Through it, we highlight our dependence and expectancy on the person and presence of the Holy Spirit to continue to reveal the Good News of the Kingdom of God that has come, is at hand, and is still coming. Through our intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, this Vineyard distinctive manifests in our being, believing and our doing.

“If you love me, keep my commandments. I will ask the Father to give you another Helper, to be with you always. He is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor recognizes Him. But you recognize Him, because He lives with you and will be in you.” – John 14:15-17