It’s intriguing how the prophet Isaiah writes that there is nothing attractive about Jesus’ appearance, while Luke writes in his gospel that ‘tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came…

For all intents and purposes, Jesus was the great leveler of all time.  He treated the rich and the poor as equals, same with the sick and the healthy, and…

September 10, 2017

September 10, 2017
Unfortunately due to a technical difficulty this sermon was not recorded. Scott interviewed missionary Peter Tigchelaar and his father John concerning their ministry and the movement of the Kingdom towards youth…
Hurricane Harvey has wreaked havoc on southeast Texas over the past week, causing people to flee their homes and find shelter.  However, they haven’t given up hope.  As one man…
A Tale of Two Journeys Towards the end of his teaching in Matthew, Jesus speaks of two kinds of gates and two kinds of pathways. One is a wide, safe,…
Underneath the language that Jesus uses throughout his sermon on the mount, he is calling us forward into a life totally formed around the values of the Kingdom of God.…
We all know just how easy it is to read a sentence or paragraph out of context from the rest of the story or letter.  We’ve experienced it when we’ve…
It's much easier to live by the law, but the law always reveals our failures, which is the last thing we want people to see.  And so we begin to…
It seems that over and over Jesus is saying that "we have heard" with our ears a truth from the law ... but if we were listening with our heart…
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