March 1, 2015

Incarnational Media

Passage: 2 John: 16:18
Service Type:

Bible Text: 2 John: 16:18 | Preacher: Kris MacQueen | Series: People of the Margins

This is a talk regarding social media and the new ways that we communicate with one another. It started with a blank computer and a flashing cursor. The following text was written, real time, on screen.

congregational murmur: Hello!
Oh good. You’re there.
This is odd, isn’t it?
congregational murmur: Yes….
The thing is, we spend much time communicating just like this in our actual lives.
congregational murmur: Yes….
Most of you don’t know where I am, do you?
congregational murmur: No
Can you even be sure who I am?
congregational murmur: Not really
How am I feeling?
Try this.
Larry Peterson laughing
Confused yet?
congregational murmur: YES!
We have created these strange spaces. They are completely new to us.
Let’s move to something more familiar.
If you have a device that has facebook… go to our group page.”

At which point, the conversation shifted to a facebook thread. Moments later, Kris came into the room and began speaking.
