GOD WITHIN US [series title] What is it within God who so cares for creation, for humanity, for believers, to ensure that we are personally cared for by God? Have…
If you were asked “What does God do?”, most followers of Jesus could give an answer. The same would be true if asked, “How does God do it?” But the…
As we start to come to the end of the letter entitled, Hebrews, there is an image of God that the writer wants us to see. And actually, it’s more…
There is something about doing an arduous climb up an escarpment or mountain, and then finally reaching the top. Then you can stand and look out, what seems like all…
Matthew quotes Jesus saying, “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate…”. So just what is the ‘narrow gate’? Is it living life on the straight and narrow…
Romans 6:6 Could it be any clearer that our former IDENTITY is now and forever deprived of its power? For we were co-crucified with Him to dismantle the stronghold of sin…