Bible Text: Matthew 5:3-12 | Preacher: Kris MacQueen | Series: The Way Up is the Way Down Jesus revolutionized pretty much everything about our understanding of the good life in…
Bible Text: Matthew 5: 1-12 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: The Way Up is the Way Down Jesus’ teachings are quite shocking, actually.  Kingdom life really does run counter…
Bible Text: Matthew 22: 37-40; John 17: 20-21; Hebrews 12: 14-15 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: Do The Work Relationships.  We all love them, and yet at times our…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 8:10 | Preacher: Caitlyn Maw | Series: Do The Work Anybody else ever pray a prayer like, "God, make me strong, help me out of this situation"…
Bible Text: Luke 6: 37-38 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: Do The Work In the creation story found at the beginning of Genesis, God grants authority to Adam and…
Bible Text: Genesis 1: 26-28; 2: 15 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: Do The Work Here’s something to consider: Genesis opens with God breathing life into creation – everything…
Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: Do The Work It’s interesting how we begin following Jesus with good intentions to ‘do things his way’, but then something shifts.  Somewhere along the…
Bible Text: Matthew 11: 28-30 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: Do The Work If you have been in the church for any length of time you will hear something…
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: Do The Work Are you aware how God thinks of you?  Did you know that not only are you…
Bible Text: John 14: 1-6 | Preacher: Scott Roe | Series: It's Not WHAT It's WHO Where we start from, shapes everything in going forward!  Yes, our starting point is…
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