LOVE Loves to Love

June 19, 2016
God loves us with the intensity that God loves God (John 15:9).  Abiding in love includes taking the initiative to love others.  God empowers us to love by receiving his…
Imagine if we took Jesus' words, “love your neighbour...” literally. Like the person next door, or across the street or down the hall? What would that look like? What could…
Imagine if we took Jesus' words, “love your neighbour...” literally. Like the person next door, or across the street or down the hall? What would that look like? What could…
Much of our identity comes from time being spent with another person. This time is not rushed nor superficial, rather, it is intimate and authentic and results in knowing and…
Our, and even God’s identity is uniquely connected and reflected in the names we are given and the ones we chose. Today, we will explore the process by which we…
If only we were naturally inclined to have Jesus as the centre of our lives.  Instead, other forces are at play that cause us to make something else the centre. …
As Christians we want to do our best. But that can subtly switch to our security/value (i.e. our identity) resting on our performance. We can easily miss the point that…
This talk is an addendum to the series on ministering to the sexual minority. This was an opportunity to take into account some of the questions and conversations we've had…
We are followers of Jesus only because we said YES to him and placed our faith in him. I find my identity in Jesus – not because I'm heterosexual – but because…
'Identity' is such a critical aspect of ones personhood, as it brings with it a sense of belonging and being known.  We all need it!  Our message to our brothers…
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