It’s interesting how we are inclined to make following Jesus a complicated endeavour. We have innumerable doctrines, statements of faith, creeds, and theological perspectives in our quest to follow. Jesus…
God is kind. If you have any doubts, observe how Jesus cares for people and especially for his followers. There are many times in the gospels where Jesus ‘warns’ people.…
The Weight of Hope
May 14, 2023
The Weight of Hope With Jen & Phil Snell For 11 years Phil and Jen Snell along with their two children (now grown people) Luke and Faith, have served as long-term…
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
When you became a follower of Jesus did you have lofty expectations of how life was going to be for you once you started following? If you did, those expectations…
The resurrection of Jesus is core to the faith of all believers. Our faith in Christ stands or falls based on the veracity of whether or not Jesus actually resurrected.…
1 Corinthians 1: 18-29, Philippians 3: 10-11
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
Sometimes I think God loves a good wrestle. Throughout all of Scripture there appears to be this ongoing challenge that God has with people, and people with God. For instance,…
Longing to come to You
March 19, 2023
Longing to Come To You With Tabitha Fellman Spend any amount of time with Jesus, and you quickly find that He has a deep love for all people everywhere. Spend…
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
God Has a Dream: We Have a Mission
February 26, 2023
We are His sons and daughters choosing to live in intimate fellowship with God. We bear His image and likeness, we are entrusted with His authority. We are meant to…
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
At times we all fall into the trap of judging someone simply because in one way or another, they are different than we are. Other times, we jump to conclusions…
Words matter, even more so when Jesus uses them. In his Sermon on the Mount about the perils of judging others, he uses words such as, ‘judge, speck, log, and…