Come, Holy Spirit! In our day, this simple prayer, "Come, Holy Spirit!" has become the heart's cry of the Vineyard movement since its first utterance over forty-four years ago. Through it, we…
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
Walking With Both Feet - Worship and Justice For most people (okay, actually everyone), there is a startling gap between what we feel is important to us, and what we…
Preacher :
Kris MacQueen
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
Have you ever wondered why you think the way you think and do the things you do? Well, there are multiple factors that have played into who we become as…
Throughout the summer, we learned about prayer along with some demonstration and a bit of practice. Now we enter the next phase…the practicum. For the next two Sundays we get…
May I Pray for You? Step 5 of the Healing Prayer Model One of the most important distinctive of the Vineyard movement is captured in a simple, four-word phrase: “Everyone gets…
Preacher :
Patrick Kilborn
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
The interesting thing about servants is that you know they are doing an excellent job when they are not noticed. Special events, banquets, and ceremonies run seamlessly because the servants…
This week in our summer series (May I Pray for You?) we explore Step 3 of the 5-Step Prayer Model, "Prayer Selection." At the heart of this, lies our unique…
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
Welcome to week two of a 7-week journey that we are taking together, learning the Vineyard 5-Step prayer model. The 5-Step Prayer Model is neither a scientific formula, fool-proof methodology,…
Preacher :
Patrick Kilborn
Service Type:
Sunday Morning
May I Pray for You? – Equipping followers of Jesus to ‘do the stuff’ In the gospels, Jesus flat lines our concept of leader-follower roles in society. Much of Jesus’…
If you were asked “What does God do?”, most followers of Jesus could give an answer. The same would be true if asked, “How does God do it?” But the…